Saturday, September 30, 2006

Society of Illustrators - Jazz Sketch - 09.26.06

Another Tuesday night at the SoI.

The Drawing Studio - 09.24.06

I went out to Long Island to draw at the Drawing Studio and have my ass kicked by Jeff Fisher. Running on no food and no sleep and what developed into a sore throat later in the night, I drew for over 6 hours. Most of the exercizes were to get you to approach drawing in an unfamiliar way. There were a few moments where I was able to do the some watercolors. Here are the results.

Sandro la Ferla's Studio - 09.23.06

Sandro la Ferla invited me to paint the beautiful Tatiana under natural light from the skylight in his studio. It took me some time to warm up because i was half asleep and hadn't eaten anything in the morning. But after a wonderful lunch and some wine i was able to find my groove.

5 min.

10 min.

20 min.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Society of Illustrators - Jazz Sketch - 09.21.06

SoI had it's 3-on-3 Thursday night (3 models on the 3rd Thursday of the month) with some crazy outfits worn by some of the top Burlesque performers in NYC. here are my VERY unsuccessful watercolors.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Haven Arts - Figure Drawing - 09.14.06

more Haven Arts watercolors:

ran out of most of the colors I normally use and forgot the refills so I had to improvise.

Society of Illustrators - Jazz Sketch - 09.12.06

The Society of Illustrators opened back up after being closed for August. Here are the watercolors.

5 min.

10 min

20 min