Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spectrum Fantastic Art Live!!!

Hey gang,

Guess where I'll be next week? Where all the cool art nerds will be, of course. In Kansas City, Missouri.

(Record Scratch!!!)

Say WHAT? Why? Missouri? Really?

Ya, I'll be at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live along with the who's who of the fantasy illustration community. I'll be sharing a booth with some guy named Greg Manchess. (whomever the hell THAT is?)

No, Greg is a really good friend of mine and was (and still is) a hero of mine all through out college and beyond. I'm deeply honored to be stinking up his booth with my crappy artwork. ;) I'm doing my best to crank out some new work and finish off stuff that's been on the drawing board for a number of months now. I'll also have prints of some of my most recent illustrations, some of my nudes, and some of my coloring books for Dover.

Here's an image of said recent piece.

"Between Two Worlds" - Oil/Acrylic/Digital

It's a mix of oils, acrylics and digital.


cfenner said...

looking forward to seeing you

cfenner said...

looking forward to seeing you!